Old & New Brass Fridge connectorss

The 2024-25 Cruising/Sailing season starts

Been here 7 days now that encompassed 4.5 days of getting Komeekha ready for launch and operational on the water.  Let me start by saying when we put Komeekha away in the spring for the Grenada summer rainy season, everything was working.  In the 2 times I have now launched here after the summer season, I am amazed at how much the salt air and heat can damage things.  It is always a surprise mixed bag as to what is found not working.  Rubber seals on port windows stick from the heat and dirt in the air to things just stop working.  We had a problem with the 23 year old fridge compressor last year that we could put up to wear and tear of age, but this year the high pressure cooling unit sprung a major leak.  Small leak I can understand but a big leak that you can easily hear when the system is put under pressure is another thing.  Heart and mind racing now on how to get this all fixed up in the few days I have till launch date.  Launch is coming fast and I need a functional fridge to get up island to pick up Marie Claude a week and a half after launch.  Cannot hang around with things needing to get fixed. These high pressure cooling units are like the radiator of a fridge cooling system.  Like a radiator, these unfortunately cannot be rebuild so off I went looking for a compressor with cooling unit that could be somewhat fit in place of the old unit.  I go to Budget, the chandlery next to the marina and they only have one unit, its dimensions would fit if not for one problem.  The compressor is for a larger fridge or freezer so no-go.  Get on the phone and call the other chandlery, Island Water World in St. Georges, a good 13-20 minute car ride depending on how much traffic there is.  They tell me they have one in my size of compressor and so off I go, get the taxi that is parked by Budget.  Get to Island Water World and they have a whole row of different unit layouts.  Pick the one that will best physically fit, pay for it and quickly back to Komeekha.  Now these units from Island Water World are all US made Dometic units and Komeekha has an Italian Frigoboat system.  Tubing connections not compatible so next step, find a guy to switch the connectors, vacuum out the fridge system and charge it with 134A refrigeration gas.  Called 3 businesses and left a message, one of whom repaired the fridge the year prior.  First one that called back was the professor of refrigeration at the college who said he can do the work in 2 days.  Had to say yes as I was on a timeline and needed the guarantee to get this job done before launch.  Got the professor so must be a good sign.  Need a cold fridge for the beer and drinks let alone the food.  As luck would have it this time, that evening we had torrential rains resulting in mud slides and road blockages across the islands.  The students across the island had the equivalent of a snow day, schools closed so the professor came a day early and did the work.  Now have a working fridge, cold drinks and food.

Now the dingy motor, I kept it inside this season as the year before I barely got it off its railing mount with the screw in and out motor mounts used to remove and install it were ceased.  Well, keeping them inside did not help much with just oil and a bit a grease when stowed.  These were ceased again but not quite as bad as when it was outside. Still had to work them to loosen them up and re-grease again, no oil this time.  So I launch and got the dingy inflated and mounted the motor.  Pump the Carb full of fuel and it starts on the first pull.  Great looks good so let it idle for a bit to warm up and rev engine to make sure all is in good working order.  No issues noticed in the steady hum of the motor at all rev points tested.  Great lets get beer.  Grabbed the empty case and speed off toward the dingy dock.  Get about 150 yards from the boat and the engine stalls.  It did that last season but would still run at mid speed.  Not this time, it would barely idle.  Friends on Cat Tales next to me had engine problems as well that took two days to resolve, theirs was a Carb issue.  They loaned me a can of Carb cleaner and to work I went on the Carb.  Got it to idle with the occasional stutter with Carb spay but kept going at it.  Then after a few sprays of Carb cleaner, motor runs slowly on idle and then starts getting faster and faster, like an engine that is starving for fuel.  It speeds up just before stopping after a lot more Carb spray.  The motor would speed up but not run out of fuel.  Now I know I have a Carb issue that needs cleaning.  The best I can figure right now is that we have always run the Carb dry when traveling under sail to not have fuel leak out when healed.  Well down here there is salt in the moisture of the air.  That process must have done something to the inside of the Carb while stowed.  Letting it sit overnight now and will see what I have to deal with in a day.

This cruising life is a learning experience and what worked in the Great Lakes does not necessarily work in the Caribbean.  Now I know I need to spray WD-40 into the Carb on a regular basis when running the Carb dry.  Oh and I still do not have the case of beer yet.  Monday we will see.

These are 2 of the major issues dealt with to getting Komeekha launched for things put away that were working in the spring.  Takes extra time away from other things that need doing and now need to add more time to the launch time appreciation to getting launch ready.  Am on the water now, that is what counts.  Now working on getting the smaller jobs/things back to normal so that I can go up island to St. Vincent to pick up Marie Claude on December 5th.  Weather and wind look favourable for the 75 nautical mile run on Wednesday and Thursday this week.  Need to make sure Komeekha is ship shape in the next few days so lots more jobs to do till departure time.  All in all, doing well, spirits and confidence high, ready for the next obstacle.  Cheers

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